Ales so glad that you have answered me. Now degree of my mood at height. I would like to write more about me so that you knew, and I hope in your following letter you will write to me more so that we could learn each other more, I would like to receive your big answer and more information. I have moved to live in Azerbaijan, it is a neighbouring country as earlier a vein in Georgia and was born there, but now I have again moved here to Azerbaijan. And now I live in a city of Baku, here I receive now apartment, also I have some girlfriends. Whether you can send to me of more photos made lately if you have and if you have desire to send it to me??? I would be very glad. My present full name Alina.
Today I on a visit at the girlfriend also write you this letter from my girlfriend. We spend evening, we sit and we talk. I came to it when came back from training. As I try to visit a sports hall at least two times a week. It is indifferent, as I have fine mood, and today the sun at us brightly shines all the day. I very much would like to transfer to you though a few this mood and more pleasure. I allow me to use the computer of my girlfriend now to see probably you have written to me. Next time I can write to you from my work as there there is a computer that I could check up my mail. Today only hoped to come necessarily here, to write to you and that you did not wait long. Later I will come back home to prepare something for a table. How your day was today and what you have plans?
So that you knew for the information. I have addressed in agency on acquaintances, they do dispatch of questionnaires to men who search for serious relations with the girl, I have paid some dollars for your address, but it is not important, that they have allowed to see your answer, this foreign agency of acquaintances. Therefore now I write you with personal e-mail addresses, for the first time you have sent the letter on e-mail there, but now I write to you with my personal e-mail, and only I will see your letter. And also photos if you send so that we could get acquainted better.
Should tell to you, I search only for serious relations and the serious man. And me to interest no games, and the more so on the Internet. I was warned that on the Internet many by dangerous men who search for the girl for the bad reference and various not decencies. I would not want it because I fair and decent and from you demand to be fair and decent. I have written you it that you understood that you deal with the serious girl who has been adjusted on construction of relations, love and tenderness, a family. I try to write from personal e-mail and I will hope, that you see this message, and also I will search for some photos to send to you that you could see more me, not so skilled in these things. Though I often work with the computer, it is connected also with the Internet if it is required. I would like to learn more about you and your way of life? If you could tell more to me, for example what plans at you on the near future? Whether there are at you real friends?
To me of 26 years and throughout a time interval, about four years I live separately from my parents, I have work, I enjoy a life, I go on trainings to a sports hall and it near to the house, also I look favourite films and serials in the evenings. Now it again repeat on the TV – the Magnificent Century, probably you know, many series that it was interesting to look up to the end. Also many other things interesting transfers on the TV. I like to visit my girlfriends and we visit to each other, together we mark birthdays, and other holidays, we divide all pleasure. I want something more now in a life. I always would like to change something, a way of life, style, clothes, a daily routine, to me to like to dream and dream. Always thought that I know that is necessary for me in a life. But it is frequent something does not suffice, and I think everyone searches for heat, the half, happiness in this life, a support. I wish to meet the real man. Would like to tell, and that that at me in heart, my thoughts, it is very important for me. I would like to share more my thoughts, but at first to learn you better and the nobility that that it will be interesting you. And I very much hope, that you will be opened with me. Should tell to you, still I have no children and never was married as here in my country Azerbaijan, I still could not find my love, my happiness, that a coma I could present my heart for ever, but I had long relations, but my former man has betrayed me. Therefore now I am very cautious and attentive in dialogue with the man. To me no age difference is important, and I want that my man was more senior me, and I can learn to something in a life. And this distance between us. I do not pay attention to it now. Now I will rejoice only if I will see more than your thoughts, or you can tell something to me interestingly, how your day today? I will try to search now for photos to send to you. Also would like to know also, you still to be registered on a site of acquaintances?? As at present I have now no questionnaires on the Internet. I am interested, hope you will write to me more. Alina