Prosim, v redu je komunicirati v angleљcini?
Moje ime je g. Yehia Abdelwahab Mohamed. Jaz sem prvotno iz Egipta, ampak porocen s sirskim in ћivi in ??posluje v Siriji.
Ћelim prenesti pogodbeno vsoto v viљini 37.000.000 USD USD iz Sirije v zelo legitimnem dogovoru.
Zaradi dolgotrajnih civilnih nemirov / vojne v Siriji, pa tudi vsak dan ћivljenje ogroћajoce napade teroristicne skupine ISIS je gospodarstvo ostalo stagnira.
Moja druћina, moja ћena in hci sem ћe izgubil v hladnih rokah smrt med napadom, katerega cilj je prenehati s svojo druћino. Jaz in moj sin nismo okoli med kriћem. Bili smo v bolniљnici za pregled, kdaj napadel naљ dom, ki je ubil mojo ljubljeno ћeno in mojo hcer in nastavil hiљni plamen. Jaz sem v solzah, ki te piљem po poљti. Ona (moja pozna
Ћena) je bil zelo uspeљen izvajalec v naftnem mestu v Siriji in se je zasebno ukvarjal z zlatim prahom in palicami pred nenadno smrtjo.
Pricakovano je, da imamo skupno razumno kolicino denarja, kar sem ћelja po vlaganju v nepremicninski sektor, Travel & Tourism, Hotel Upravljanje in drugi zanimivi sektorji v Zdruћenem arabskem Emiratih.
Kot ste morda ali ne veste, sankcije, ki so jih uvedle Zdruћene drћave in Evropska unija je skoraj nemogoce uspeљno vse vrste naloћb v Siriji ali celo prenosa denarja od tu do drugih delov sveta. Iz tega razloga sem z vami zaupate z upanjem, da bi vam lahko pomagali dobim ta denar na katerikoli od vaљih imenovanih bancnih racunov kjerkoli na svetu.
Prosim vas, da bi vedeli, kako prirocno je za vas pomagaj mi na ta nacin. Celotni kapital, ki mi je na razpolago, je 37.000.000,00 USD.
Skrivno sem zaklenil denar v љkatlico in ga odpeljal z Rdecim kriћem tukaj v Damasku. Moja iskrena namera v pisni obliki je, da se sklicujete z vami prijazno sprejmite denarnico.
To je zato, ker od tukaj ne moremo narediti nobenih bancnih nakazil vojna. To so glavna vpraљanja, ki me zdaj skrbijo. jaz bom dal ti 30% celotnega denarja kot tvoja korist za pomoc mi.
To priloћnost moram izkoristiti, ker nimam druge moћnosti, kot da bi zaupaj nekdo. Ne morem tvegati mojega ћivljenja tukaj, da bi se izognili koncu mojega druћina. Vse, kar imam, je moj edini sin. On zasluћi dostojno ћivljenje, ker ga ћelim da odraљcam v mirnem okolju. Nacrtujem preselitev v ZAE z moj sin in vloћite denar v skladu z zakonom.
Predvidevam vaљ pozitiven odziv in po prejemu vaљih podatkov Dala vam bom dodatne podrobnosti.
S spoљtovanjem,
Gospod Yehia Abdelwahab Mohamed
Please is it okay to communicate in English?
My name is Mr. Yehia Abdelwahab Mohamed I’m Originally from Egypt but married to a Syrian and have been living and doing business in Syria.
I desire to transfer a contract sum amounting to $37,000,000.00 USD Million from Syria under a very legitimate arrangement.
Due to the prolonged civil unrest/war in Syria, as well as the daily life-threatening attacks by ISIS terrorist group the economy has remained stagnant.
I’ve already lost my family, my Wife and daughter to the cold hands of death during an attack targeted to end our family. I and my son were not around during the cross fire. we were at the hospital for checkup when the attacked our home killing my beloved Wife and my daughter and setting the house ablaze. I am in tears writing you this mail.She (my late
Wife) was a very successful contractor in the oil city of Syria and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death.
Expectedly,We jointly has some reasonable amount of money, which I desire to invest in the Real Estate sector, Travel & Tourism, Hotel Management and other interesting sectors in United Arab Emirate.
As you may or may not know, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have made it nearly impossible to successfully operate any type of investment here in Syria or to even transfer money from here to other parts of the world. For this reason, I am contacting you in great confidence with the hope that you could help me get this money into any of your nominated bank account anywhere in the world.
Please I would like to know how convenient it might be for you to assist me in this way. The entire capital at my disposal is $37,000,000.00 USD Million.
I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box anddeposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box.
This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money as your benefit for helping me.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage.All I have is my only son. He deserves a decent life since I want him to grow up in a peaceful environment.I’m planning of relocating to UAE with my son and invest the money in accordance with law.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Yehia Abdelwahab Mohamed