Accept me as i’m Dear

Accept me as i’m Dear

Hello dear,


It warms my heart to hear from you, all my life i have been hoping to have a true and sincere friend that i can talk to and share my heart with, i sent you a letter before but unfortunately you didn’t receive it, my heart chooses you, please don’t feel bad that i open my heart to you, my heart accepts you from the very first time i don’t know what you have done to me to make me feel like this, i am aware of our age difference, i will be 26 years  by next month, to me age is not a problem at all, age are nothing but just numbers, what matters to me most is the heart, love, happiness, maturity, i need a real and sincere friend that i can trust and talk to, i have kept this secrete for too long i need to open up my heart  to you because my heart chooses you as my helper, Sometimes the world seems to be upside down, things seems to be so unusual, sometimes i feel like am living in this world all alone,


My heart has been so lonely  ever since my parents was assassinated and i was left in this world all by myself,i am the only surviving child of chief John Peterson, my late father was the owner of Guarantee project company but he was assassinated by his business partner and i was left alone in this world all by myself, i did,nt have any  friend or family to look up to and i was so scared that the people that killed my parents will come after my life,  that was why i left my country to this country i am now, I’m presently in Dakar, Senegal.


Getting  here i don’t know anybody or have any where to stay so i was taken to the Church hostel where i live presently, though here in this hostel i don’t have freedom and the living here is very bad but what choice do i have, i have to keep myself alive, when i came to this country the first thing i did was to try and claim my inheritance that my late parents left for me  but i couldn’t because of my status here in this country but i believe with time i will be able to claim my inheritance hopefully when i get somebody to help me claim it, my inheritance is enough for us to invest on any kind of business we choose, i like to sing, cook and walk on the beach, please tell me more about yourself and your country,


I would really love to hear your voice sweetie  but is so unfortunate that i don’t have a phone of my own but you can call me  with the Rev father’ s phone here in the camp,the number is (  221 772 766 201 )  when you call just tell the Rev  Father that you want to talk to Michela he will send for me, i really cant wait to hear from you again  my heart really looks up to you, i hope my present situation will not scare you away or make you abandon me here, because hard times don’t last long,  please don’t let my color, distance or our age difference stop you from helping me, this is the truth of my heart and my real feelings to you, i don’t care about wealth, i just want to live free and happy again, i hope you understand me, everything will be alright soon, hope you like my pics, until i hear from you again,



With all my love and trust.


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