Mrs. Qamar Zahra Mohammed
Hello dear, How are you and your family today, I hope all is well with you? I thank you for your response to my emails regarding your property that I am interested in, I read the details of your property and I like it and I am willing to…
Hello dear! how is your day over there in your country, i believe you are having a pleasant time!. I’m happy to receive your response. I want us to be good friends for now and then we watch to see what it becomes for us in the future. I actually got…
Seninle arkadaş olmaktan mutluyum
Seninle arkadaş olmaktan mutluyum Merhaba, Bana cevap verdiğiniz için teşekkür ederim, şu anda Alabama Mississippi’deki ABD Ordusu üssünde görev yapan Charlotte, North Carolina’dan bir ABD Vatandaşı olan Lena Torres ve ayrıca bir Ordu Çetesiyim, ama şu anda Afganistan’da bir birlik oluşturuyorum Birleşmiş Milletler Afganistan’da terörle savaşan birliği sürdürüyor. ve şu…
I love to hear from you soon
MY DEAR FRIEND, How are you today? I like to be open, i am a woman that have seen life, i have been in the social circle for many years, It really does not matter one’s age,color or achievement, what matters in our life is nothing but Care and…
Kseniya from Czech!
Hello, I am Kseniya 32 years old. I am from Czech! I add u & decided know more about u. I for the 1st time try to find friend in this method & I dont know about what to say right now. I want to find a good man for…
Hello friend, How are you doing over there? I was so happy to received your response to my mail and I wish to know you more as we proceed. My name is Marsa Majzoub; I’m 25 years. I’m single lady, from Benghazi Region of Libya, well i decided to use this medium…
Monica Haldi
Hello My dear How are you today? i will like to be kind and honest with you, i am a woman that have seen life, i have been in the social circle for many years, although it does not matter one’s age, color or achievement, what matters in our life…
Assalamu Alaikum, My dear, i know this email will look strange and surprising telling somebody i don’t know about my life, please read my message well before reply, i am Najiya Mohamed, by Name, I am Libya citizen by Nationality, and i was born 2nd of August 1991, I am…
World Business List
Ladies and Gentlemen, In order to have your business(es) inserted in our list of General Businesses for the 2020/2021 edition: please print and complete the attached document (wbl-F2C.jpg) and send it to this address: World Business List Postbus 34 3700 AA Zeist The Netherlands Fax: +31 30 310 0126 or…